Sex and Love 100

Musings on the most basic life skill . . .


College Student:  I have never had sex.
Me:  That's fine.  (It's fine, really, since most of you are having way too much.)
College Student:  I'm really uncomfortable talking about it- sex- it bothers me.
Me:  Okay. . . .But do you realize it is the single most universal human behavior, along with loving, all humans do it, are sexual, are wired to be sexual, are programmed. . . .
College Student:  Not me.

(College student is not alone.  Sex talk makes a lot of people uncomfortable.  Yet they sit and watch the TV jammed packed with sexual messages, scan the internet filled with sexual messages, live in a world filled with sexual messages.  And most of it is not such good information.  If you wanted to learn to drive, would you ask the monkey at the circus who powers the tiny car that goes around and around?  No.)

College Student:  I learned it all in health class.  And church. 
Me:  I'm sure you did.

(Is college student aware that some of the most sexually repressed people are the most deviant? )

Me:  You can excuse yourself form the lectures on sex, Okay?  I'll come up with another assignment.
College student :  I don't think that's fair.
Me: That you have an alternate assignment?
College student: No, that you talk about it.
Me:  Just what exactly upset you?
College student:  Well. . . the words. . . and jokes.
Me: Penis, vagina and orgasm?   Do you have any idea why I make jokes?  Because I know how nervous you all are hearing about this.  The humor distracts, taps on our ironies...listen to my real message. 

Student sends me gift at the end of the semester.  Written on the card " Dr. Hopper, thanks for teaching us how we can get lost in the world of sex.  I learned a lot."

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